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An Official Web Site of the United States Government


Agency Responsibilities

Agency PMF Coordinator

In addition to the Agency's Pathways Programs Officer (PPO), the Agency PMF Coordinator will determine the success of the PMF Program in their agency. It's a big job! The Coordinator is the link between the PMFs, the agency, the Pathways Programs Officer, the PMF supervisors, and the PMF Program Office.

When a Federal agency enters into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)* for their participation in the PMF Program (a Pathways Program), it must identify an Agency PMF Coordinator at the headquarters level. The Agency-wide PMF Coordinator is also responsible for maintaining Agency PMF Coordinators at the Sub-Agency level. An Agency PMF Coordinator Designation Template can be used to inform the PMF Program Office of any changes to Agency-wide PMF Coordinators. 

* = Federal agencies that are either (1) in the excepted service within the Executive Branch or (2) in the Legislative or Judicial Branches may participate in the PMF Program via a PMF MOA (Memorandum of Agreement). See the "How an Excepted Service Agency Participates in the PMF Program" instructions found under the Agencies\Resources webpage.

A copy of the Pathways Programs regulations, along with other agency resources, can be found under the Agencies\Resources webpage. For a current list of participating Federal agencies and their designated Agency PMF Coordinators, please follow the instructions under the Agencies\List of Coordinators webpage.

Agency PMF Coordinator Orientation:

The PMF Program Office is presently revamping the Orientation Program previously offered to Fellows, Agency PMF Coordinators, and Hiring Officials\Supervisors.

Until the PMF Program Office announces any changes, new Agency PMF Coordinators will be contacted by the PMF Program Office staff to welcome them in their new role and orient them to the program and the PMF TMS (Talent Management System).

New Agency PMF Coordinators may familiarize themselves with the Agencies section of the PMF website, including various Resources and FAQs.

Agency PMF Coordinator responsibilities include:

  • Primary point of contact for PMF Program questions at their agencies, in consultation with the Pathways Programs Officer.
  • Ensure that all hiring officials within their agency\sub-agency are aware of the commitments involved in hiring PMFs, including:  Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) status, OPM reimbursement, starting grade and pay, Individual Development Plans (IDPs), training and developmental requirements, career ladders, promotions, and conversions.
  • Work with supervisors to identify and advertise PMF positions by posting PMF appointment opportunities in the PMF TMS (Talent Management System).
  • Notify the PMF Program Office (via the PMF TMS) of any PMF change in status in a timely manner including appointments, movements between agencies (reappointments), extensions, certifications, resignations, terminations, and/or conversions.
  • Facilitate submission of the PMF placement fee to the PMF Program Office within 30 days after a Finalist has accepted a tentative PMF appointment offer.
  • Work with Hiring Official/Supervisor to complete the Pathways PMF Program Participant Agreement and assignment of a Mentor.
  • Engage with Fellow and Supervisor to review and acknowledge the PMF Participant Handbook (posted under the Resources section); this supplements the PMF Program Office’s Orientation for Fellows.
  • Promote interaction among regional Fellows.
  • Act as a resource for PMFs and their supervisors by assisting with agency orientations, providing guidance on IDP goals and objectives, clarifying responsibilities and commitments, identifying training opportunities, and responding to program-related questions.
  • Work with the supervisor and human resources staff to ensure proper processing of personnel actions within the agency.
  • Provide the PMF Program Office with updated Coordinator contact information.
  • Facilitate the agency's participation in any hiring fairs.
  • Submit workforce planning and reporting requirements to the PMF Program Office.

A copy of the Pathways Programs regulations, along with other agency resources, can be found under the Agencies\Resources webpage.

Each agency (e.g., at the headquarters or agency-wide level and at the sub-agency level) is limited to two Agency PMF Coordinator user accounts each.

Updated: 06-01-2021