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An Official Web Site of the United States Government


Getting Info

Join the PMF Subscriber Lists for Updates

Academic officials can join our Subscriber Lists to receive important program updates.

To subscribe, visit, select the "Subscribe" button, and then select the "Academic Stakeholder" audience. You will be asked to provide basic contact information (i.e., name and email) and to validate your email. You may unsubscribe at any time by emailing with the subject of "unsubscribe [audience]"; please include the name of the audience you would like to unsubscribe from as part of the subject line.

Subscribers should encourage other academic staff interested in the PMF Program to subscribe. Subscription to the Subscriber List for Academic Stakeholders is intended for academic staff only and not for students interested in applying to the program. Students or individuals interested in receiving general program information should subscribe via the above webpage and select the relevant audience.

NOTE:  The PMF Program Office will be discontinuing any previous OPM Listservs (e.g., the PMFCampus Listserv) when the 2024 PMF application launches. In addition, OPM will be transitioning to a new email subscription management system via GovDelivery. This content will be updated once additional details become available.

Academic Stakeholders Webinars

Prior to the launch of the PMF application cycle, the PMF Program Office hosts 1-2 webinars with academic stakeholders to learn more about the PMF Program, the upcoming application process, and any changes from the previous year's application process. An invitation to the webinars is sent via a broadcast email to the Subscriber List for Academic Stakeholders, so please be sure to sign up following the instructions above. 

A copy of the presentation for these meetings will be posted under the Resources section once available.

Current Finalists

A sortable list of Finalists is available by going to

The list can be sorted by class year, Finalist's name, academic institution (issuing the advanced degree), advanced degree, and status (e.g., Appointed, Withdrawn, or blank for those seeking an appointment). There is also an "Appointed" tab showing what Finalists have either been accepted or started a PMF appointment by agency/sub-agency and start date. There may be a slight overlap between classes of Finalists.

NOTE:  The list of Finalists will only reflect those applicants who provided their consent to be publicly listed and will automatically remove a class of Finalists when their appointment eligibility period expires.

Help and Contact Information

Additional information can be found under the FAQs section.

Visit the next section on available Resources for academia.

Questions regarding the application and assessment process can be emailed to

UPDATED: 07-24-2024