Frequently Asked Questions
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- How many students apply each year and out of that number, how many are selected as Finalists?
- How do Finalists learn about possible Federal Agency PMF appointment opportunities?
- Who can hire a PMF?
- When can an agency hire a PMF?
- Do Federal Agencies reimburse PMFs for their relocation costs or other recruitment incentives upon appointment?
- What are the responsibilities of the PMF Program Office, hiring agency, Agency PMF Coordinator, Human Resources Office, and the hiring official/supervisor?
- What are the requirements for a PMF?
- What is the timeline for the Fellows' developmental journey in the program?
- What qualifies as training for the 80 hours of training our agency is required to provide the Fellow each year of their two-year fellowship?
- Is there a sample Individual Development Plan (IDP) Fellows and agencies can refer to?
- Is there a sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Fellows and agencies can refer to for external rotational opportunities?
- Is there guidance on the ERB Certification process?
- Is there guidance on the PMF conversion to a permanent or term position?
- Do Federal Agencies provide Student Loan Repayment or Loan Forgiveness for Fellows?
- Can an agency request an appointment eligibility extension if it cannot bring a Finalist onboard by the deadline?
- When and how is my agency to submit the one-time reimbursement fee to OPM when we hire a PMF?
- Can a PMF move between positions/agencies during their fellowship?
- If an agency does not have a position to convert the PMF into, what options are available?
- How does an agency host a PMF for a rotational opportunity?
- COVID-19: I am a Class of 2020 PMF Finalist. Am I still able to search and apply for PMF positions with agencies? Are agencies still processing applications, scheduling interviews and providing job offers? Will my eligibility be extended in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?
- COVID-19: In light of the COVID-19, I am concerned that I will not be able to meet my Fellowship requirements, particularly with my 80 hours of formal, interactive training each year and completing a 4 to 6-month developmental assignment before my two-year anniversary. What should I do?
- COVID-19: What should I do if I feel I will not be able to complete some of my Fellowship requirements by my two-year anniversary due to COVID-19 restrictions?
- What changes have been made to the PMF LDP (Leadership Development Program)?
- Can an office or component within an agency share a cert?
- How would a lapse in funding (shutdown furlough) impact the PMF Program?
- Why do agency users need to use to access the Portal Site of the PMF TMS, especially if they have PIV/CAC cards?
1. How many students apply each year and out of that number, how many are selected as Finalists?
Historically, the PMF Program has seen an increase in the number of applicants. The number of applicants has ranged from approximately 3,000 to more than 8,500; the number of Finalists has varied from 500 to over 800. Please note the PMF Program is highly competitive.
2. How do Finalists learn about possible Federal Agency PMF appointment opportunities?
The PMF Program Office is transitioning to a new PMF Talent Management System (TMS). The PMF TMS is where agencies will post appointment, rotational, and training opportunities. Finalists may contact Agency PMF Coordinators directly. Effective with the announcement of PMF Class of 2017 Finalists, all PMF appointment opportunities MUST be posted to the PMF TMS.
3. Who can hire a PMF?
Participation in the PMF Program (a component of the Pathways Program) is open to all Federal Agencies in the Executive Branch who have an approved Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OPM*. Agencies excepted from the competitive service may participate after entering into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with OPM. In addition, Legislative and Judicial Branch agencies may participate by entering into a MOA with OPM. Please contact the PMF Program Office for additional guidance. For a current list of participating agencies and their Agency PMF Coordinators, go to the List of Coordinators webpage.
* Additional information about the MOU requirement and the impact the Pathways Programs regulations has on the PMF Program can be found in the "Pathways Transiton and Implementation Guidance" under the Agencies\Resources webpage.
4. When can an agency hire a PMF?
Agencies have 12 months from the official announcement of Finalists to hire them as Fellows from a large, prestigious pool with diverse backgrounds and skills. Agencies should plan accordingly to make PMF appointment offers to Finalists, ensure ample time for completing any background investigation, verify degree completion, and bring onboard prior to the appointment eligibility deadline.
See FAQ #15 below on extending a Finalists' appointment eligibility in the agency cannot onboard prior to the appointment eligibility deadline.
5. Do Federal Agencies reimburse PMFs for their relocation costs or other recruitment incentives upon appointment?
Each Federal Agency determines whether it will pay relocation costs or offer other recruitment incentives. Finalists should inquire with participating agencies before accepting an appointment offer. And agencies should follow their internal policies for such incentives, including any Service Level Agreements.
6. What are the responsibilities of the PMF Program Office, hiring agency, Agency PMF Coordinator, Human Resources Office, and the hiring official/supervisor?
Please see the Agencies\Agency Responsibilities webpage for the duties of all those involved at the agencies. Responsibilities of the PMF Program Office can be found on the About Us\Meet the Team webpage.
7. What are the requirements for a PMF?
Each Fellow will have the following:
- Participant Agreement with the agency
- Assigned a senior-level mentor (who is a managerial employee outside of the Fellow's chain of command)
- Individual Development Plan
- Performance plan and yearly evaluations
- 80 hours of formal interactive training each year of the fellowship
- At least one developmental assignment 4 (four) to 6 (six) months in duration
- Certification by the agency's Executive Resources Board (ERB), or equivalent, determining the Fellows successful completion of the PMF Program
Hiring officials and supervisors should consult with their respective Agency PMF Coordinator for additional details.
8. What is the timeline for the Fellows' developmental journey in the program?
Agencies assist Fellows along their 2-year developmental journey in the program. It is the responsibility of the PMFs and their agency supervisors to negotiate the developmental activities and work responsibilities that will prepare the PMF for the targeted position at the conclusion of the program. Fellows may consult with the assigned mentors and Agency PMF Coordinators, as well. The typical fellowship cycle consists of the following:
- Within 45 days of appointment, agency approves Individual Development Plans (IDPs) designed to impart the competencies required of the target position and place the PMF on a performance plan
- Within 90 days of appointment, agency assigns a mentor
- Throughout fellowship, agency provides opportunities for training, developmental assignments, rotations, and other activities in support of the IDP
- Approximately 90 days prior to the 2-year anniversary date of the start of the fellowship, the Fellow, Agency PMF Coordinator and supervisor prepare for the ERB certification
- Before 30 days prior to 2-year anniversary date, the agency's ERB (or equivalent) evaluates the PMF to determine successful completion of the program (makes its decision). ERB certification is required for conversion.
- Approximately 30 days prior to 2-year anniversary date, the Fellow is notified by the agency of the outcome of the ERB evaluation.

9. What qualifies as training for the 80 hours of training our agency is required to provide the Fellow each year of their two-year fellowship?
Specifically, 5 CFR 362.405(b)(2) states that for each PMF, the agency must provide a minimum of 80 hours of formal interactive training per year that addresses the competencies outlined in the IDP. Mandatory annual training, such as information security and ethics training, does not count towards the 80-hour requirement. On-the-job training does not count towards the 80 hours requirement. The ERB ultimately decides whether the training requirements have been met when certifying the PMF. The PMF Program Office does not dictate what constitutes as formal interactive training; this interpretation is up to the appointing agency.
10. Is there a sample Individual Development Plan (IDP) Fellows and agencies can refer to?
Yes. The PMF Program Office has created an OPM Form 1302, PMF IDP, which PMFs and agencies can use at their discretion. This form can be found under the Current PMFs\Training and Development\Individual Development Plan webpage. Agencies may need to tailor their own IDP form to fit their needs.
11. Is there a sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Fellows and agencies can refer to for external rotational opportunities?
Yes. A sample MOU is available under the Agencies\Resources webpage. However, agencies should follow their own policies and procedures for external rotations. NOTE: A PMF may complete the required developmental assignment within their organization, appointing agency, or to another Federal Agency. Federal Agency is defined as those within the Executive Branch.
12. Is there guidance on the ERB Certification process?
The ERB, Executive Resources Board, (or equivalent) can establish its own procedures for conducting the review and certification, but must consider whether:
(1) The PMF has met all of the requirements of the program, as outlined in the program regulations found at 5 CFR 362.405,
(2) Has demonstrated successful performance according to the Fellow's performance plan, and
(3) Has achieved the developmental expectations set forth in the Individual Development Plan (IDP). This may be conducted through a document review or other methods agreed upon by the ERB.
The ERB certification process must be started in time to be able to notify the Fellow of the results 30 days prior to the 2-year anniversary of the fellowship and the procedures consistently applied to all Fellows under the ERB's purview. Typically, the ERB process starts 90 days prior to the 2-year anniversary date.
NOTE: It is crucial for Fellows, supervisors, and Agency PMF Coordinators to monitor the deadlines during a PMF's fellowship. PMF appointment extensions should not be granted for administrative delays; extensions are for rare and unusual circumstances. Agencies should review their Pathways MOU with OPM regarding extensions. A Fellow must convert to the agency that ERB certified him/her.
The results of the ERB certification are recorded by the Agency PMF Coordinator in our on-line systems.
13. Is there guidance on the PMF conversion to a permanent or term position?
5 CFR 362.409 states a Fellow must complete the program within time limits prescribed in 5 CFR 362.404, to include any agency-approved extension. At the conclusion of that period, the agency may convert, without a break-in-service, an ERB-certified Fellow to a competitive service term or permanent appointment. Those who are noncompetitively converted to a competitive service term appointment may be subsequently converted noncompetitively to a permanent competitive service position (5 CFR 362.107(b) and 5 CFR 315.201(b)(1)(xv)), and only within the agency as a whole. For example, if the PMF is converted to a term appointment in FEMA, he/she may be noncompetitively converted to a permanent position within FEMA or DHS.
Appointments must be effective by the expiration of the individual's PMF excepted service appointment, including extensions. No conversions are allowed prior to full completion of the 2-year fellowship.
A PMF must meet the citizenship requirement to be converted to a permanent position. The agency is not required to convert or appoint a PMF who is not certified by the ERB. A similar FAQ for Fellows can be found under the Current PMFs\FAQs webpage.
Additional information can be found on the Agencies\Resources webpage.
14. Do Federal Agencies provide Student Loan Repayment or Loan Forgiveness for Fellows?
Federal Agencies are authorized to repay student loans under the Federal Student Loan Repayment Program, as provided for in part 537 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations. Some agencies participate in the program. Finalists should ask the hiring agency if it participates when interviewing for appointments. Additional information about the Federal Student Loan Repayment Program and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program can be found at the Student Loans webpage.
15. Can an agency request an appointment eligibility extension if it cannot bring a Finalist onboard by the deadline?
Yes. An agency may request an appointment eligibility extension for a Finalist who (1) has been made a tentative PMF appointment offer AND accepted the offer but cannot onboard as a PMF by the applicable appointment eligibility deadline, or (2) to a Finalist who applied for an advertised PMF appointment opportunity and the agency has not conducted interviews or made tentative job offers prior to the appointment eligibility period deadline.
The request is done by the hiring agency's designated Agency PMF Coordinator who formally submits a request in the PMF TMS (Talent Management System). Upon the Agency PMF Coordinator submitting a request, the PMF TMS will (1) notify the PMF Program Office to consider, and (2) send an automated email to the Finalist and Agency PMF Coordinator acknowledging receipt of the request. If approved, the PMF TMS will (1) record the approval as part of the Finalist's history, (2) send an automated approval email to the Finalist and the requesting Agency PMF Coordinator, (3) show the approval entry on the Apply Site for the Finalist to view, and (4) show the approval entry on the Portal Site when agency users are viewing the Finalist's history.
An approved request remains valid until (1) the Finalist onboards as a PMF, (2) the Finalist later declines the PMF appointment offer, or (3) the agency later rescinds the PMF appointment offer. If the Finalist’s appointment eligibility has expired and the Finalist later declines the offer or the agency rescinds the offer, the Finalist will lose any further consideration.
Finalists can have more than one approved extension; however, as soon as the Finalist is recorded as being appointed in the PMF TMS, the system will instantly void any other approved requests and notify the Agency PMF Coordinators associated to other pending/approved appointment eligibility extensions.
A similar automated process exists for Finalists who have been recorded as "Appointed", but will not onboard before their appointment eligibility period deadline; these Finalists also need an appointment eligibility extension if they will not onboard prior to their respective appointment eligibility deadline.
NOTE: The previous OPM Form 1305, PMF Appointment Eligibility Extension Request Form, used by Agency PMF Coordinators has been abolished since it has been automated and incorporated into the PMF TMS as described above. In addition, Agency PMF Coordinators can find PMF TMS instructions on appointment eligibility extensions posted under the "Resources" section on the Portal Site of the PMF TMS.
The above explains the process for an "appointment eligibility extension", which is different than an agency needing to extend a Fellow for up to 120 additional days known as a "fellowship extension".
16. When and how is my agency to submit the one-time reimbursement fee to OPM when we hire a PMF?
A Federal agency must submit a one-time reimbursement fee to the PMF Program Office within 30 days of a Finalist accepting a tentative PMF appointment offer. The reimbursement fee covers the costs associated with the recruitment, assessment, selection, and placement of Finalists into PMF appointments; PMF Program Office operations and support to stakeholders; various training and developmental opportunities for stakeholders; and, the PMF website and automated systems.
The PMF Program Office is a government-wide, full-cost recoverable, revolving fund program. By the time a Finalist accepts a PMF appointment offer, the PMF Program Office has already incurred significant expenses. Timely submission of the PMF reimbursement is critical to cover program expenses. The Fellow may not be allowed to participate in any program sponsored training and development activities (e.g., PMF LDP (Leadership Development Program) and Graduation) until reimbursement is received; this would include any activities for Fellows and agencies. Instructions and financial forms to use for submitting the reimbursement fee can be found under the Agencies\Resources section. All financial inquiries and submissions must be sent via email to
In regards to 5 CFR 362.406(d) covering the movement between agencies (commonly referred to when a PMF reappoints from one PMF position\agency to another), the regulations state if the "move occurs with the first 6 months of the Fellow's appointment, the original appointing agency may request reimbursement of one-quarter of the placement fee from the new appointing agency." In such occurrences, the PMF Program Office is not involved and such action would need to be handled between the losing and gaining agencies. When a reappointment occurs with the first 6 months of the fellowship, the impacted Agency PMF Coordinators should ensure the reimbursement fee has been addressed. The obligation to submit the full PMF reimbursement is still borne on the original appointing agency.
17. Can a PMF move between positions/agencies during their fellowship?
Yes. The PMF Program regulations allows for Fellows to transfer from one PMF position/agency to another. This process is commonly referred to as a "reappointment". Finding a reappointment opportunity is the Fellow's responsibility. Fellows are not able to log into the PMF TMS to search for appointment opportunities as these are reserved for Finalists seeking their initial appointment.
We have assembled "PMF Guidance on Reappointments" that is posted under the Current PMFs\Resources and Agencies\Resources webpages.
18. If an agency does not have a position to convert the PMF into, what options are available?
An agency may not have a position to convert a Fellow for a variety of reasons (e.g., a change in the agency's mission, budget shortages, a re-organization, or staffing adjustments). The following general options may be available and are based on the assumption there is no performance, conduct, or suitability issues:
- Assuming the Fellow will obtain a favorable certification from their agency's Executive Resources Board (ERB), the agency may noncompetitively convert the Fellow into a term position. A term position may last up to 4 years (beyond the Fellow's 2-year fellowship). The agency may then noncompetitively convert the former Fellow into a permanent position within the competitive service at any time before the end of the term appointment within the agency as a whole (5 CFR 315.201(b)(1)(xv)). For example, if the PMF is converted to a term appointment in FEMA, he/she may be noncompetitively converted to a permanent position within FEMA or DHS.
- The Fellow's Agency PMF Coordinator can reach out to other Sub-Agency PMF Coordinators or HR Offices within their agency to see if they have positions that may be available to reassign the Fellow (during their fellowship and prior to obtaining a favorable ERB certification). NOTE: A PMF may only convert at the agency that conducted the ERB certification.
- The Fellow's Agency PMF Coordinator can reach out to other Agency PMF Coordinators (at other agencies) to see if they have positions that may be available to transfer the Fellow (which must take place by the end of the Fellow's 2-year fellowship and prior to any favorable ERB certification). A current list of Agency PMF Coordinators can be found here:
- If none of the above options are available, the Fellow would either resign or the agency would terminate the appointment.
- A Fellow, who resigns or is terminated, may be eligible to reapply to the PMF Program to become a Finalist or request reinstatement from the original appointing agency at a later date (5 CFR 362.407(b)).
It is recommended that the agency explore the possibility of reassigning the PMF to another position within their agency or a sub-agency before using the other options. A Fellow can only convert to a term or permanent position at the agency that conducts the ERB certification process. If the agency does not have a permanent position to convert the Fellow into, it may convert the Fellow to a term position lasting no more than 4 years. The agency may then noncompetitively convert the Fellow to a permanent position anytime during the term appointment. A similar FAQ for Fellows can be found under the Current PMFs\FAQs webpage.
19. How does an agency host a PMF for a rotational opportunity
Agencies wishing to host a PMF on a rotation (e.g., on a detail) can advertise a rotational opportunity on the PMF TMS (Talent Management System). The opportunity would be advertised to all current Fellows to search and view on the PMF TMS. Upon a rotational opportunity posting live, the PMF TMS will send an automated email to all current Fellows the next day to inform them. For additional information on assembling and posting a rotational opportunity, please review the “PMF TMS Rotational Opportunity Template for Agencies” posted under the Agencies\Resources webpage. Submit the opportunity to your Agency PMF Coordinator for review and posting. General information specific to Fellows can also be found under the Rotational Opportunities webpage.

20. COVID-19: I am a current Finalist. Am I still able to search and apply for PMF positions with agencies? Are agencies still processing applications, scheduling interviews and providing job offers? Will my eligibility be extended in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?
The PMF Talent Management System has been operational at all times and several agencies continue to post and accept applications for PMF positions, conduct interviews, and provide job offers. Finalists have an appointment eligibility period of 12 months from the date of announcement to apply for a PMF position, accept a job offer, or start a PMF appointment. If a Finalist has applied to a position that is still in process when the appointment eligibility period expires, the agency can formally request an appointment eligibility extension for Finalists that they are still working with on the selection and hiring process. For additional information about extensions, see the following FAQ:
As required by Executive Order 14043 of September 9, 2021, Federal employees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 regardless of the employee’s duty location or work arrangement (e.g., telework, remote work, etc.), subject to such exceptions as required by law. This applies to any Finalist who accepts a PMF appointment offer from a Federal agency.
21. COVID-19: In light of the COVID-19, I am concerned that I will not be able to meet my Fellowship requirements, particularly with my 80 hours of formal, interactive training each year and completing a 4 to 6-month developmental assignment before my two-year anniversary. What should I do?
Fellows should work with their supervisor, Agency PMF Coordinator, and Human Resources Office to identify training and developmental assignment opportunities that can be completed while remaining compliant with any COVID-19 related guidelines at your agency and your duty location.
Training requirements can be met virtually, as long as the Fellow has an opportunity during the virtual course to interact with either other attendees and/or the instructor/facilitator. For the PMF Leadership Development Program, we are working on modifying our in-person sessions to be conducted virtually as much as possible in the coming months where travel restrictions for many agencies may be restricted for some time. We will be notifying eligible participants of these changes as necessary.
For developmental assignments that were interrupted during COVID-19, Fellows should work with both their host supervisor and the supervisor from the developmental assignment, along with Agency PMF Coordinators and Agency Human Resources Offices, to determine if the developmental assignment can be completed remotely or could be resumed at a later time but still within the 2-year window of the fellowship. Developmental assignments do not need to be completed consecutively, as long as they last a minimum of four months total. Duties and responsibilities of the assignment should be examined and re-evaluated if some duties could not be completed remotely. Agencies can agree on different duties and responsibilities, as long as they align with the Fellow’s target position at the end of their Fellowship.
For Fellows who are looking for developmental assignment opportunities that may have to be completed in whole or in part remotely due to COVID-19 restrictions, feel free to continue to search developmental opportunities on the PMF Talent Management System and reach out to agencies and offices you are interested working with to see if work can be done virtually. For example, Fellows could complete a developmental assignment in a different agency or division within their overall organization, such as in a mission support or central office (e.g., Communications, Legislative Affairs, Contracting, Human Resources, etc.) that would provide excellent experiences and opportunities during your Fellowship while contributing to your home agency. For more information on finding Developmental Assignments please click here on our website.
There are many incredible opportunities to contribute to the COVID-19 pandemic response that could be very great developmental assignments. We encourage Fellows to search these opportunities available for current Federal employees here on the Open Opportunities platform.
Fellows are reminded to document all of their training and development on their Individual Development Plan.
22. COVID-19: What should I do if I feel I will not be able to complete some of my Fellowship requirements by my two-year anniversary due to COVID-19 restrictions?
Fellows should work with their supervisors and Agency PMF Coordinators to determine if an extension of the Fellowship period may be needed in order to finish fellowship requirements. Agencies have the authority to extend the PMF Fellowship period for up to 120 days in the case where rare and unusual circumstances are present that may inhibit a Fellow to complete all of their Fellowship requirements by the end of their two-year anniversary. Circumstances related to restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic can qualify as rare and unusual. Please check with your agency on their policies and procedures in such regards. Fellowships cannot be extended beyond one 120-day period and all PMF fellowship requirements must be met in order to be certified by an agency’s Executive Resources Board, or equivalent, which provides for the eligibility of Fellows to be converted to either permanent or term positions. During this time of uncertainty and challenge, we know that Fellows and our agency partners will increase their already-incredible ability to show and practice the leadership competencies of Adaptability and Resilience while navigating the Fellowship. We at the PMF Program Office are here to support you so if you have additional or more-specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

23. What changes have been made to the PMF LDP (Leadership Development Program)?
To see highlights of he changes, please review the "Leadership Development Program" section under the Current PMFs/Training and Development webpage.
24. Can an office or component within an agency share a cert?
Yes, an agency may share a certificate of eligibles (“cert”) from a PMF appointment opportunity to other hiring officials at their agency for consideration. Such sharing is allowed if the position is the same (e.g., Job Series, Grade Levels and Qualifications). If a tentative offer is made and accepted by the Finalist, the Finalist or the Agency PMF Coordinator should fill out the OPM Form 1306, PMF Appointment Intake Form (found on the Become a PMF/Resources webpage), and submit it to the PMF Program Office to manually record the appointment in the PMF TMS. All PMF appointment opportunities include a statement in the footer saying: “This opportunity may be used to fill additional similar appointments."
25. How would a lapse in funding (shutdown furlough) impact the PMF Program?
A lapse in funding (otherwise known as a shutdown furlough) occurs when there is lapse in annual appropriates for the Federal Government. Shutdown furloughs can occur at the beginning of a fiscal year, if no funds have been appropriated for that year, or upon expiration of a continuing resolution, if a new continuing resolution or appropriations law is not passed. In a shutdown furlough, an affected agency would have to shut down any activities funded by annual appropriations that are not excepted by law. Some agency functions have alternative funding sources and, as a result, are not directly affected by a lapse in annual appropriations. Employees performing those functions will generally continue to be governed by the normal pay, leave, and other civil service rules.
The PMF Program Office is not impacted by a shutdown furlough as it is a revolving fund program and exempt.
See below for general PMF Program guidance for those impacted by a lapse of federal funding. Always defer to your home agency guidance for specific questions.
- Agency Personnel: May pause their duties until work resumes, based on individual agency contingency plans.
- PMF Supervisors: Consult their HR Office for guidance.
- Fellows: (1) consult their Supervisor, (2) pause their participation in any PMF LDP (Leadership Development Program) activities, (3) pause their work in completing program training and developmental requirements, (4) consult their Supervisor, Agency PMF Coordinator, and/or HR Office for any impact to rotations, et al.
- Applicants/Semi-Finalists: The PMF Program Office will continuing reviewing and processing all Applicants and Semi-Finalists. If any impact occurs to Semi-Finalists scheduling or participating structured interviews participation, they will be directly informed by the PMF Program Office.
- Finalists: May continue to apply to appointment opportunities. A shutdown does not impact the entire Federal Government. Many agencies will continue to process appointment opportunities. The appointment eligibility period of 12 months will not be extended.
Upon resumption of funding, program participants program requirements will adjust accordingly. The PMF Program Office will inform Fellows participating in program-sponsored activities (e.g., the PMF LDP) directly of additional information and changes.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides “Guidance for Shutdown Furloughs” for Federal agencies and employees reference. The OPM guidance can be found at In addition, each Federal agency issues their own guidance to their employees.
26. Why do agency users need to use to access the Portal Site of the PMF TMS, especially if they have PIV/CAC cards?
In response to OMB Memo M-22-09 “Moving the U.S. Government Toward Zero Trust Cybersecurity Principles” and in alignment with best practices of defense against sophisticated phishing attacks, OPM systems will use enterprise applications for user authentication. is a standard secure government authentication tool used by more than 47 agencies and states. Users with a PIV/CAC can choose to authenticate through that method by selecting “Sign in with your government ID” (or similar) from the link on the main sign in page.
UPDATED: 01-23-2025