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An Official Web Site of the United States Government


Find Candidates


The PMF Program solicits eligible individuals who have recently or soon will complete an advanced degree (masters, doctorate, or professional) to apply to its annual application in the fall.  The Program administers the annual application by fiscal year and refers to the cycle as a Class. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, please visit the Become a PMF webpage.

When the PMF Program Office announces the Class of Finalists, participating Federal agencies can use the Pathways Programs Schedule D Hiring Authority to appoint a Finalist as a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF; Fellow). Fellows are appointed in the excepted service for a 2-year fellowship. Finalists have an appointment eligibility period of 12 months.  Go to Current Finalists to see the most current list, which shows their class year, name, academic institution, advanced degree, and status. NOTE: Only those Finalists who provided their consent to be publicly listed will appear.  Please visit the Attorneys webpage regarding Finalists with law degrees and the inability to appoint Finalists into Attorney (0904\0905 Job Series) positions in the competitive service.


The PMF Talent Management System (TMS) includes an Events Management System (EMS). This module enables the PMF Program Office to solicit and manage events specific to program participants (e.g., Finalists, Fellows, and Alumni). We use this module to advertise events such as Informational Webinars, Agency Meet and Greets, training and development, etc. The EMS will include some past events for current Fellows (e.g., past Orientation Webinars and PMF Leadership Development Program (LDP) activities).

We have created an “EMS Template” for agencies to fill out and submit to the PMF Program Office for consideration in posting an event. You can find the templated posted under the Agencies\Resources\Templates section.

To learn more, please review the “EMS Fact Sheet” posted under the “Resources” section on the Portal Site of the PMF TMS at (only registered agency users can access the Portal Site).

Post Opportunities

PMF appointment, rotational, and training opportunities are posted in the PMF Talent Management System (TMS). Such opportunities are exclusively for current Finalists and Fellows only. Finalists will use the PMF TMS to search for available PMF appointment opportunities and Fellows will use it to search for rotational opportunities. Templates used by agencies to build all opportunities and instructions on how to post opportunities can be found under the Agencies\Resources webpage.

Only certain registered agency users have access to the PMF TMS to post opportunities. Agency PMF Coordinators and Agency HR Staff users have access to the PMF TMS to post these opportunities. The PMF Program Office manages the Agency PMF Coordinator accounts at the primary, agency-wide level. Agency-wide PMF Coordinators can grant access for those serving as Agency PMF Coordinators at the sub-agency level, Agency HR Staff, and Agency Hiring Officials. Please contact your designated Agency PMF Coordinator for assistance.

The PMF Program Office uses an on-line system to recruit and track Program participants referred to as the PMF TMS (Talent Management System). The PMF TMS consists of two sites:  (1) the Apply Site, is used by program participants (e.g., Applicants, Finalists, Fellows, and Alumni), and (2) the Portal Site, is used by the PMF Program Office and registered agency users as the back-end system. The Portal Site is where agencies search and view Finalists, track participant statuses, advertise appointment opportunities for Finalists, advertise rotational/training opportunities for program participants, enable agencies to record appointments and track their PMFs, grant access to agency staff (e.g., Hiring Officials and HR staff), submit and monitor their workforce planning estimates, and query reports. To learn more, including definitions for user levels, go to the PMF TMS webpage.

Recruiting PMFs

The Agency PMF Coordinator is the agency's liaison between the PMF Program Office (OPM), their agency's personnel, and program participants. Any Program questions should be directed to the Agency PMF Coordinator as he/she is the best contact to understand their agency's PMF Program policies and procedures. In addition, a list of agency roles and responsibilities can be found under the Agency Responsibilities webpage.

Agencies recruiting for PMF positions must also follow their recruiting and examining policies and procedures. This would include conducting any appropriate Job Analysis, establishing a Position Description, adjudicating Selective Service requirements, applying veterans' preference, and checking if applicant previous held a political appointment.

The one-time placement fee covers the PMF Program's costs associated to the annual application and assessment process, determining eligibility based on advanced degree, adjudicating claims for veterans' preference, maintenance of the PMF TMS, training and developmental opportunities for Fellows, and overall administration. The PMF Program Office is not appropriated and operates under the revolving fund; therefore, it is a full-cost recoverable program and timely submission of the one-time placement fee is critical.

Hiring managers interested in hiring a PMF should follow these steps:

  1. Complete the PMF TMS Appointment Opportunity Template for Agencies (found under the Agencies\Resources section on this website)
  2. Submit the completed template to their Agency PMF Coordinator
  3. The appointment opportunity must be posted to the PMF TMS

Be sure to check the list of Current Finalists to check on a candidate's status before making an appointment offer. Once an offer is made, the appointing agency's designated Agency PMF Coordinator is responsible for logging into the PMF TMS to officially record the appointment. Agency HR Staff users can perform this function as well. Any changes to a PMF's record or status are performed by the Coordinator.  When in doubt, contact the Agency PMF Coordinator.

UPDATED:  05-28-2024