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An Official Web Site of the United States Government

Success Stories

Arturo Cardenas: 2014 PMF

The PMF Program provided me with the opportunity to have a positive impact on people's lives. In the capacity of an Equal Opportunity Specialist (EOS) in the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO), Enforcement branch, at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), my work involved investigating, conciliation and resolution of complex allegations of housing discrimination. 

My developmental assignment took place at HUD's Office of Field Policy and Management (FPM), where I collaborated with Directors in gathering information about their respective program's office for the 2015 Congressional Briefing. In this capacity, I gained a better understanding of HUDs program offices and how they work together with FPM to further the agencies vision and mission, while keeping stakeholders abreast of its programs performance standards.

I then rotated and converted to FHEO's Compliance branch, as an EOS. My work involved performing compliance reviews of fair housing policies and practices of Federal fund recipients in order to obtain compliance under Title VI, Section 109, Section 504, Executive Order 11063, and the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation.

I am a founding member of and later served as the first field Chairperson of the HUD's Presidential Management Fellow's Council (PMFC), its mission is to "enhance, streamline, and maximize the fellowships experience". The PMFC is working to strengthen the PMF community by sharing essential programmatic knowledge; dissemination valuable information regarding training opportunities; increasing networking activities with other HUD PMFs and Federal agency PMF Councils; collaborating so that current and future HUD PMFs may be able to more easily flourish as they seek to achieve their professional goals in support of HUD's mission and values.