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An Official Web Site of the United States Government


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  1. Who is eligible to be in the PMF Program?
  2. How long is the program?
  3. When and how do I apply?
  4. Will I be paid? How about benefits?
  5. Can I get any of my student loans paid back if I join the program?
  6. What are the requirements to graduate from the Program?
  7. If I am selected as a Finalist, am I guaranteed a job?

1. Who is eligible to be in the PMF Program?

If you will meet all graduate degree requirements (even though you have not necessarily graduated), including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation (as required), during the academic year (as defined under the Become a PMF\Eligibility webpage), you are eligible to apply.

As a graduate student from any academic discipline and expected to complete an advanced degree from a qualifying college or university during the current academic year, you are eligible to apply. Advanced Degree is defined as a professional or graduate degree (e.g., master's, Ph.D., J.D.).

If you obtained your advance degree from a qualifying college or university no more than 2 years prior to the opening date of the announcement, you are eligible to apply.

Veterans unable to apply within two years of receiving their degree, due to military service obligation, have as much as six years after degree completion to apply via the Recent Graduates Program (which is separate than the PMF Program). General information about the Recent Graduates Program can be found at

Go to the Become a PMF\Eligibility webpage for the current eligibility requirements.

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2. How long is the program?

The PMF Program's fellowship lasts two years. Fellowships are full-time paid positions with benefits.

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3. When and how do I apply?

The application process can be found under the Become A PMF\Application Process webpage. The application process for the PMF Program is rigorous.

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4. Will I be paid? How about benefits?

PMF Program participants are paid full salary and benefits at the GS-9, GS-11, or GS-12 (or equivalent) grade level depending on the position into which hired, the geographic location, and the hiring agency. Finalists may be promoted based on the qualification requirements for the hired position. More information can be found under The Opportunity\Compensation webpage.

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5. Can I get any of my student loans paid back if I join the program?

Depending on the hiring agency, PMFs may be eligible for the Federal Student Loan Repayment Program or the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. For more information, please go to the Student Loans webpage.

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6. What are the requirements to graduate from the Program?

Fellows must complete the following requirements to graduate from the PMF Program:

  • Attend a minimum of 160 hours of formal interactive training (80 hours per year)
  • Complete at least one developmental assignment four to six months in length
  • Create a performance plan and undergo an annual performance review with a minimum rating of "Successful" for each year of their fellowship
  • Create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) that sets forth the specific developmental activities agreed upon by the Fellow and supervisor (may consult with the Agency PMF Coordinator and/or Mentor).
  • Receive Executive Resources Board (ERB) or equivalent certification
  • ERB certification is needed for non-competitive conversion
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7. If I am selected as a Finalist, am I guaranteed a job?

No. If you are selected as a Finalist, you are eligible for a PMF appointment by a participating Federal Agency. Finalists have 12 months from announcement of Finalists to accept and start a PMF appointment.

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UPDATED: 01-04-2021